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Cybersecurity in the Real World: Spooky Stories From Real Churches Just Like You

Cybersecurity attacks can feel like vague, distant, ambiguous things that “happen to other people.” It’s easy to kid ourselves into thinking we’d never fall for a cyberattack, but the unfortunate reality is that this happens to incredibly smart and accomplished people all of the time. Cybersecurity attacks aren’t so obvious anymore, and they’re not passive either. Schemes have gotten sneakier, more personal, and usually involve actively tricking a user.

In the spirit of Spooky Season, this webinar will contain several stories of cyber attacks that have recently happened to our church clients. The spookiest part? These stories aren’t made up. Many people in the church and ministry circle believe that churches aren’t really a main target for these types of attacks, but these stories will prove you wrong.

We’re going to talk about the importance of holistic online safety, give several examples of how sophisticated and under-the-radar these attacks can be, dissect the points at which process and protocol broke down to allow these things to happen, AND share tools and policies you can (and SHOULD) put in place to prevent these exact things from happening to you!

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