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Office 365: The Extras | Enable Webinar Series


Check out the fourth and final installment of our Office 365 Webinar Series, a look at some of the “extra” tools included in O365. We want to help churches understand these applications, so that you can maximize the resources available! By getting the most out of these features, you can improve your work flow and ultimately strengthen your ministry. We want to help you do that.

In this 1-hour webinar, Enable’s Elliott Wood deep dives into some of O365’s fun “extra” tools, including Forms, Stream, Sway, PowerBI, and Flow. He shares a live demo of the tools while giving practical applications in a church setting, and explains how they can ultimately strengthen your ministry!

We’ve been working with churches for almost 20 years, and have been long-time fans of Microsoft’s services, and we simply want to share this knowledge with you so that you can take full advantage of the amazing features O365 has to offer! 

Webinar Q&A


  • Q: What is the difference between Forms and FormsPro?
  • A: We found this article from C5Insight’s blog that breaks down the feature differences between Forms and FormsPro pretty well. However, from Enable’s perspective, the enhancements you get with Pro don’t justify the extra cost. We think that you have everything you need in Forms to adequately accomplish what the tool is designed for, without the upgrade.


  • Q: Can I download my Sway presentation and save it to my computer? 
  • A: In order to function properly and manage the layout of your content/presentation, Sway requires an Internet connection and must remain online. If you do want to save a non-interactive offline of your copy for your records, you can export your Sway content to Word or PDF.


  • Q: Is PowerBI an online tool or is it an application I need to download? 
  • A: Both! The differences: in the desktop version, you can use it to build models and create visuals. In the online version, you can still create visuals but it is better for sharing/collaboration.

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