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The Do’s and Don’ts of Church IT Security | Enable Webinar Series


Why should you care about cybersecurity? Because your church’s network, environment, data, and the people behind all of that are important! Securing these things shouldn’t be an afterthought. 

In this webinar, Do’s and Dont’s of Church Security, we talk about the most common cybersecurity threats all organizations face today, including social engineering, passwords, email & download security, personal devices, senior pastor fraud, and more, as well as our best practice recommendations for responding when these problems inevitably arise. We also lay some basic ground rules for a secure environment and give tips on how to prepare yourself and your fellow staff to prevent vulnerabilities and respond correctly to problems. This is a great one for ALL church staff, regardless of role or full-time/part-time/volunteer status, because every single person who uses technology is either a security risk or a security asset to your church’s environment. It is important for every member of your staff to care about cybersecurity and to be aware of how they can help (or might be hurting!) the cause.

Webinar Q&A


  • Q: What do I do with a phishing email?
  • A: Treat a phishing email just like any other piece of junk mail. You don’t need to open it, you don’t need to show it to anyone else. Simply delete it, and move on. Unfortunately, a phishing email is not exactly a cause for shock anymore – you will see these come through your inbox. So don’t worry, just hit the trash can icon, and go about your day!

Next Steps

  • Q: What is one action I can take today to be more secure in general?
  • A: Password security. Download a password manager, take stock of all of the passwords you have in use, and update any insecure. Additionally, enable Multi-Factor Authentication anywhere you can. For more info on these topics, check out our blog posts on password managers and MFA.

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